Monday, September 27, 2010


Here are some more pictures from my trip to Puebla. I took about hmm.. 800 pictures ( i am not joking) If you want to see them all visit my facebook page, I am so proud of them they are public! Anyways, that trip was soooo much fun! I laughed, i drank, i ate, i got lost, i got found, i made new friends, all in all it (like my new friend Victor would say) was MAGNIFICENT! I hope you enjoy the pictures, wish you could've been there!

Aqui estas algunas fotos de mi viaje a Puebla. Tome como unas 800 fotos (sin exageracion) pero pues como el blog no esta tan grande nomas escogi algunas, si quieres ver mas, te invito a que cheques mi facebook, ahi puedes encontrar todas mis fotos del viaje! Este viaje fue uno de los mas divertidos que he tenido! Me rei como nunca, tome, comi, me perdi, me encontre, hice nuevos amigos, todo estuvo (como diria mi nuevo amigo Victor) MAGNIFICO!! espero que las disfruten!

Yes you are reading correctly, it a mole filled chocolate.. it wasn't that bad
Mexican Candy!!
I loved this picture, i sneaked in to this house to take the picture, i found it very beautiful.
This one is the Church on top of the world's largest pyramid! i took it from my blackberry that's why is kinda blurry! sorry!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mexico, eres MAGNIFICO!!

Celebrating the bicentennial in Puebla, Mexico! 200 AÑOS de libertad!

Friday, July 23, 2010

I am having a deep and meaningful relationship with this book. Eat Pray Love

I just started reading the book  “Eat Pray Love” and I got to admit, the reason I FINALLY started reading it is because the movie is coming out and I have tried for two years to read it and for some reason or another I hadn’t put the time or effort to do it.  Now I refuse to watch the movie without first reading the book. I always prefer to read the books before I watch the movie, that way my imagination is still intact.

The first time I heard about the book was actually when I was living in Italy, uh funny right? It would’ve been the perfect book to read. My roommate was reading it and I was reading (don’t judge but I was actually good and entertaining and I recommend it) “Bergdorf Blondes.” Anyways, I was supposed to start reading “Eat Pray Love” but Liz, our next-door neighbor/friend, borrowed it so I just forgot about it. 

I’ve actually been meaning to read it ever since, and a few months ago I saw the trailer in the movie theaters (I am a sucker for trailers let me just say) and I immediately needed to go get the book and read it.  I got to say, I have not read a book in such a long time that I have felt such a deep connection with.  I have read many books in this past year but this one is really making a deep impact on me. 

I feel like I am looking in to glass ball into the future and that if I don’t take more control of my life now, I will be 34 yrs old like Liz Gilbert, getting a divorce and running to Italy, when I can easily do that right now (which is what I want and what I am dying to do.)  I am too a traveler, I am too a wanderer, I am too in love with the Italian language so much so that I go to classes at night and listening to Italian music all the time and I have to admit I am the annoying person that says an italian word randomly just to say it (and maybe look cool.) Each word in this book makes me want to scream "YES finally somebody gets me!! Liz Gilbert you are my best friend!"

This book is amazing and I will write more about it as I continue reading it.  I think that the chapter about food and pleasure will be my favorite, since Italk and think about food about 95% of the time! 

Pisa, Italia 2008

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

Viva La Madre Patria! Viva España!!

In honor of the great win at the World Cup 2010 I would like to share some pics of my beautiful time in Spain! It's one of my favorite places I have a special love and connection for that country and I hope you are as happy as I am that Spain won the World Cup (even though i wanted Mexico to win too).

En honor a la gran España por ganar la Copa Mundial 2010, quisiera compartir con ustedes una fotos de mi hermoso tiempo en España! Este pais es uno de mis lugares favoritos y siento un gran amor y una gran coneccion con este pais.  Espero que todos esten igual de felices que España gano la Copa (aunque tambien queria que ganara Mexico! ya sera para el 2014!

Proxima estacion: esperanza

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The District..

..Georgetown Cupcakes..
..Eastern Market..

..Cat Zyskowski..
..Capitol Hill..

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Peace, love and Hemp, part ✌

So like I said in one of my previous posts titled "The Way It Should Be," hemp is an excellent material use for clothing.  It is the versatile, eco-friendly, durable and historically appreciated!  Some of my favorite pieces I have in my closet are made from hemp and yes they are hippie looking but I gotta say, extremely cute! And you might think that only hippie looking people use it but au contraire. So for all of you that don't go for the boho look, don't you worry, top designers have actually used hemp in their collections. Stella McCartney, Armani and Calvin Klein, they've all incorporated hemp textiles into their lines.  And Urban Outfitters, American Rag and Fred Segal are some of the many fashion-forward stores that are selling clothing made of hemp. Before you think that these clothings would only be worn by granola-eating, tree-hugging, "dreadlock-and-doobie" crowd, you are SO wrong! Many brands are taking advantage of this textile and using it to make garments from outerwear to chic dresses. 
While doing some research I came across this fabulous brand of purses called The Hemptress made of course, hemp.  Check it out!


Out on the Old Town...


Old Town San Diego, June 2010