Showing posts with label trips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trips. Show all posts

Monday, September 27, 2010


Here are some more pictures from my trip to Puebla. I took about hmm.. 800 pictures ( i am not joking) If you want to see them all visit my facebook page, I am so proud of them they are public! Anyways, that trip was soooo much fun! I laughed, i drank, i ate, i got lost, i got found, i made new friends, all in all it (like my new friend Victor would say) was MAGNIFICENT! I hope you enjoy the pictures, wish you could've been there!

Aqui estas algunas fotos de mi viaje a Puebla. Tome como unas 800 fotos (sin exageracion) pero pues como el blog no esta tan grande nomas escogi algunas, si quieres ver mas, te invito a que cheques mi facebook, ahi puedes encontrar todas mis fotos del viaje! Este viaje fue uno de los mas divertidos que he tenido! Me rei como nunca, tome, comi, me perdi, me encontre, hice nuevos amigos, todo estuvo (como diria mi nuevo amigo Victor) MAGNIFICO!! espero que las disfruten!

Yes you are reading correctly, it a mole filled chocolate.. it wasn't that bad
Mexican Candy!!
I loved this picture, i sneaked in to this house to take the picture, i found it very beautiful.
This one is the Church on top of the world's largest pyramid! i took it from my blackberry that's why is kinda blurry! sorry!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mexico, eres MAGNIFICO!!

Celebrating the bicentennial in Puebla, Mexico! 200 AÑOS de libertad!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Viva La Madre Patria! Viva España!!

In honor of the great win at the World Cup 2010 I would like to share some pics of my beautiful time in Spain! It's one of my favorite places I have a special love and connection for that country and I hope you are as happy as I am that Spain won the World Cup (even though i wanted Mexico to win too).

En honor a la gran España por ganar la Copa Mundial 2010, quisiera compartir con ustedes una fotos de mi hermoso tiempo en España! Este pais es uno de mis lugares favoritos y siento un gran amor y una gran coneccion con este pais.  Espero que todos esten igual de felices que España gano la Copa (aunque tambien queria que ganara Mexico! ya sera para el 2014!

Proxima estacion: esperanza

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The District..

..Georgetown Cupcakes..
..Eastern Market..

..Cat Zyskowski..
..Capitol Hill..

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Buona Fortuna a Me!!

Since today I am taking my final exam for my italian class, I wanted to share some of my favorite pictures from when I was living in Italy.  Hopefully, I will be living there soon again.

Hoy es mi examen final de mi clase de italiano! Y por eso quiero compartir con todos una de mis fotos favoritas que tome de cuando vivia en ese hermoso pais! Espero que muy pronto regrese como residente a la bella Italia! 

Oggi giorno è mio esame finale d'italiano. Voglio condividere alcune delle mie fotografie preferite dall'Italia. Ciao ragazzi!
Montecatini Terme, 2008
Pisa, 2008
Paderno del Grappa, 2008
Asolo (picture from unknown)

Sienna, 2008
Miramar Castle, near Trieste, 2008
Venezia, 2008
Lucca, 2008
Montecatini Terme train station
Carnaval Venezia, 2008
Libri in Padova..
amore in Lucca
more to come..

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Two things I live by..

San Francisco Trip, August 2008
Barcelona Trip, March 2008