Last night I watched the DisneyNature's movie OCEANS and it was absolutely amazing!! It's like Avatar but REAL! no special effects, just real life. I saw animals that I thought I could only see in movies and that I thought they were only mythical. It's amazing how powerful and mysterious the ocean is and how much we as human beings depend on it and still keep destroying and polluting it. We always had this notion that the ocean is so huge that we could never run out of water or we could never pollute it enough, but the reality is that the ocean is in big trouble! And what most people don't know is that 70% of the oxygen we breath actually comes from the OCEAN!!
I really hope everybody goes to see this movie and realize the beauty that is beneath the surface, and that we need to protected and conserve it healthy.
If you are not absolutely touched by this movie then what I recommend is going to see the sea lions in La Jolla or go watch the gray whales in their migration all here in San Diego! Seaworld what? nothing beats seeing animals in their natural habitat.. watching the sea turtles making their way to the ocean down in Oaxaca or watching a gray whale take a dive into the San Ignacio Lagoon. Last year I was lucky enough to go to a trip to San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja California Sur, and it was such an amazing experience. I watched gray whales swim 2 feet from me, spraying water through their baleen onto my face and coming up as though they wanted to play with us. I was there for two days, in a little boat in total amazed on how could I be so lucky as to be in the presence of such amazing mammals. These are some of the pictures from that trip!
Jacques Cousteau once said that we protect what we love.. and I love the ocean, I love every living species in this planet. I care about protecting and conserving a healthy environment for generations to come so my children and grandchildren can enjoy it. WHAT DO YOU CARE ABOUT?