Friday, April 23, 2010

In with the old?

So here is the thing.. I own a LOT of clothing! much more than I wear.. lately I've been on a budget because I want to do more traveling, so I haven't been shopping that much (or shopping for inexpensive items) so I have been digging up my closet and found beautiful pieces I have either never worn or worn once or twice before.  I am a shame to say that I have over bought clothes that I didn't really need at the moment, obviously since I hadn't even worn it until now.  I am what many call an impulsive shopper.. and I am not proud of that.. I guess I get that from my dad.. only he buys gadgets and I buy dresses.  So this is what I'm going to do: I am going to minimize my shopping, and start wearing what I already own. Crazy huh? you might think that a lot of if has gone out of fashion, but c'mon retro? vintage? I know fashion is about looking forward and not backwards, but It doesn't hurt to take a peak on the past to understand where the future is going.  Fashion for me is about expression, just like art. I don't think I need to buy a new pair of shoes or a new dress every weekend to express who I am. I think that the most innovative stylists or fashion icons are those who look effortless, yet chic and those that do more with less.  So I am going to start wearing all my many seasons ago clothing items, but giving them a new touch. I am going to express myself with what I have and make the most of it.  I am going to RECYCLE my clothes! Yes, that's the best way I can put it.
I hope you can join me in my journey of expression..
But don't get me wrong, I am for sure donating a lot of stuff.. I always send a lot of clothing down to my grandma's pueblito in Santiago Ixcuintla, Nayarit.  So if anybody ever wants to donate some of your clothes, let me know! As I write, six boxes of children, women, men's clothing items are being taken to Santiago for people that are not as fortunate as we are.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"We protect what we love.."

Last night I watched the DisneyNature's movie OCEANS and it was absolutely amazing!! It's like Avatar but REAL! no special effects, just real life.  I saw animals that I thought I could only see in movies and that I thought they were only mythical.  It's amazing how powerful and mysterious the ocean is and how much we as human beings depend on it and still keep destroying and polluting it.  We always had this notion that the ocean is so huge that we could never run out of water or we could never pollute it enough, but the reality is that the ocean is in big trouble! And what most people don't know is that 70% of the oxygen we breath actually comes from the OCEAN!! 
I really hope everybody goes to see this movie and realize the beauty that is beneath the surface, and that we need to protected and conserve it healthy.  
If you are not absolutely touched by this movie then what I recommend is going to see the sea lions in La Jolla or go watch the gray whales in their migration all here in San Diego! Seaworld what? nothing beats seeing animals in their natural habitat.. watching the sea turtles making their way to the ocean down in Oaxaca or watching a gray whale take a dive into the San Ignacio Lagoon.  Last year I was lucky enough to go to a trip to San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja California Sur, and it was such an amazing experience.  I watched gray whales swim 2 feet from me, spraying water through their baleen onto my face and coming up as though they wanted to play with us.  I was there for two days, in a little boat in total amazed on how could I be so lucky as to be in the presence of such amazing mammals.  These are some of the pictures from that trip! 

Jacques Cousteau once said that we protect what we love.. and I love the ocean, I love every living species in this planet.  I care about protecting and conserving a healthy environment for generations to come so my children and grandchildren can enjoy it. WHAT DO YOU CARE ABOUT?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Wine a little.. you'll feel better..

This weekend we went to Cafe Bassam in fabulous Hillcrest.. one of my favorite place in San Diego.. 

Pic by Moi and my friend Giovs..

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I feel dazed and confused..

Cynthia: God, don't you ever feel like everything we do and everything we've been taught is just to service the future? 
Tony: Yeah I know, like it's all preparation. 
Cynthia: Right. But what are we preparing ourselves for?
Tony: Life of the party.
Mike: It's true.
Cynthia: You know, but that's valid because if we are all gonna die anyway shouldn't we be enjoying ourselves now? You know, I'd like to quit thinking of the present, like right now, as some minor insignificant preamble to something else. 
Tony: So, you're not gonna go to law school? What do you wanna do then?
Mike: I wanna dance! 
Wooderson: The older you get, the more rules they are going to try and get you to follow. You just gotta keep on livin', man. L-I-V-I-N. 

Just so you know, one of my all time favorite directors is Richard Linklater and i will quote, talk, reference, post videos about all his movies since they are my favorites and I watched them all the time. I know you will all enjoy them :) I would recommend all his movies. 

While My Guitar Gently Weeps - George Harrison

He was always my favorite Beatle.. 

I think a lot of people that know me pretty well would be surprise to learn that my favorite Beatle was George. Yes, i do love John, Paul and Ringo, and yes a lot of my views reflect John's views, but i always felts a deeper connection with George, especially his music. It's just so beautiful! Who doesn't fall in love with something in the way you move or Within you, without you? These songs are magical to say the least. But don't get my wrong, Imagine is still one of my favorite songs of all times. Thanks John... I love you too.

Mucha gente que me conoce estaria muy sorprendida de saber que mis Beatle favorito es George. Si, me encanta John, Paul y Ringo, pero siempre he sentido una coneccion mas profunda con las letras de las canciones de George.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the places and the moments that take our breath away.

*Oh, the Places I Have Been!* This is just some of the places I have been in the last 2 years.. I took a picture of this quote I read at a book store when I was in Madrid.. It became my life's mission statement.. I would only add " the places,moments and people that take your breath away..."  

I ♥ MPAs...

Egypt has created its first marine reserve on the Mediterranean coast!!
We can find happiness in protecting the world around us not only because we cherish it for its awesome beauty, power, and mystery, but because we cherish our fellow humans, those who live today and those who will live tomorrow, living beings who, like ourselves, will increasingly depend on the environment for happiness and even for life itself. JacquesYCousteau..

Saturday, April 10, 2010

*Life is an Experiment..*

C'est Moi! Took me a while to finally get here.. but here I am.. I truly believe life is an experiment and in trying new things. I Hope you enjoy what I have to say and what i have to share. BIENVENIDO A MI MUNDO!!